Sustainable workouts and personalized coaching sessions created for you


Using movement to listen and understand your body


I started SunnySideUpLiving to help others trust their bodies again. All of our bodies have a story to tell and it is magical when we take the time to understand what our bodies are trying to say. My coaching style is intuitive, real, and raw. For me, it is never about appearance or weight. It is always about adding instead of taking away. It is about crying when you need to and laughing all the damn time.


Meet Michelle

I move my body to feel stronger and be able to say “yes” to new opportunities and adventures in life. There is something incredible about trusting your body to stand up on a paddleboard or completing your first long hike of the season pain-free. I combine my sports medicine background with a focus in injury prevention and ergonomics with my interest in the female hormone cycle and our energetic body to create programs that feel good and meaningful.



On Coaching/Training

“I’ve been working with Michelle for about a month ow, and the improvements have been numerous. She works with me on multiple levels, focusing not just on strength and health, but also on emotional and spiritual growth. She is truly a holistic coach. In just a few short weeks, I’ve not only explored how to improve areas I need growth in but also learned why I do some of the things I do. After working with a few other coaches/trainers in the past, this is the first time I have felt that this program is designed for my personal needs and goals. I can only imagine what improvements will come over the new few months. It is hard to put into words the value she has brought to my life. I feel like me that started with Michelle in February isn’t going to be the same me in 3 months.”

“Things I noticed when I am hiking lately: My hips used to hurt every time we hiked, but it’s gotten much better; My knees are handling the climbing on trails way better than they use to; I’m recovering from our faster runs so quickly.”

“ I have been working with Michelle weekly for 9 months, and I never imagined how enjoyable personal training could be. Michelle has continually encouraged me to work hard and grow, but at the same time, she has modeled for me how to embrace the limitations of my body and my schedule without despising them. I would recommend Michelle to anyone who wants an encouraging ally in their quest to get or stay healthy. She is amazing.”

“Just want to shout out to Michelle for being such a great trainer and instructor. She helped me re-acclimatize to the gym again. She is supportive and informative, plus a very happy face to see. I usually do not care for the “gym” experience, but the dept of what variety whether it is cardio, weights, or circuits are things I’m enjoying and looking forward to. Working out 3-4 times a week is becoming a routine in my life, and will help me meet important goals.”

On hosting Moon Circles

“It was so great to gather with you and some soulful gals! I want more! I feel compelled to talk to you and exchange stories and wisdom. I’m feeling so drawn to chakra work ad reiki energy healing.”

“Didn’t realize how much I needed that. Good to get grounded again. Would love to do it again soon.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the depth and energy of Michelle’s full moon circle! I appreciated her knowledge of the chakras and her thoughtful insights after my heart share. If you need a supportive place to share what’s on your heart and mind this is a great place!”
